Innovation is central to our work, and finding new and improved ways of doing things is vital to our continued success.

We are testing novel ways of slowing the flow of water into the Pix Brook.  You can keep up to date with our progress and see how innovation breeds innovation!

Our Innovation Roadmap identifies and tracks our success delivering innovation in water management. The Innovation Register monitors the innovations we’ve achieved so far, those we are working on and all the exciting innovations we aim to achieve in the future.

A key part of innovation is linking all the successful and innovative activities together and making sure that all our partners can learn from the progress we’re making. We keep organisations that can influence each area up to date with new and improved ideas and solutions so we can make continual improvements.

We are creating a variety of information so that everyone can share in our journey to improve water management. Innovation Case Studies, Learning Digests, Pix Pieces, videos, academic papers and technical reports will be shared with the wider industry and public sector. Sharing our knowledge is a big part of our programme.

The Innovation Case Studies share new approaches and techniques with Lead Local Flood Authorities and stakeholders within flood and water management. They summarise technologies and techniques that can be replicated to drive forward innovation across our area and the UK.

The Learning Digests summarise what we’ve learnt. Using research and the practical ways of working we can improve awareness of different approaches we’re taking so others can benefit from our knowledge.

Play the video below to see the innovations we seek to deliver. Find out more about how these innovations help improve integrated water management.