We have identified six key areas which are all critical to the success of the project. We call these ‘work packages’ and each one connects to the others.


Understanding the height and speed of a river tells us if flooding might happen. River flow monitoring records the amount of water flowing through a river over time which gives us an accurate indication of possible flooding. We are installing state-of-the-art monitoring technology to get live data at key points on the Pix Brook.

This information will be used to track changes in river flow, identify potential problems, and make decisions about water management. This helps us kn

ow more about the risk of flooding and make choices to help reduce it.

Using this data will help communities to be better informed and able to adapt, respond and recover from flooding events. Monitoring the Pix Brook in t

his innovative way will increase community resilience to climate change.

Our Citizen Scientists will play an important part in this and you can get involved.

We will influence how water from the Pix Brook catchment flows into the watercourse. There are different ways to do this and we’ll be using a variety of techniques to slow the flow of the river.

One way is to install smart and traditional Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). These are designed to manage rainwater in urban areas to slow flows by mimicking the way water naturally drains into the ground.

Natural flood management (NFM) and flow controls is another way to slow down the flow of water. This uses natural features in rural areas, such as trees and bushes, to slow flows. This method also provides benefits for the water quality and wildlife.

Flow controls can be installed on equipment such as outfalls to manage the flow through it.

We’ll monitor the river closely to see how our interventions slow the flow of the water and influence water quality.

A combination of technical experts and our citizen scientists will create a monitoring network to look at the flow patterns of the Pix Brook. This network will improve our knowledge around the influence of extreme weather and local flows on the catchment.

All the of information will be shared and used to forecast potential flooding, helping to create a more resilient community.

River monitoring collects data on the water quality and health of our rivers. We use different methods to tell us how clean or polluted the river is and what species are in the water. We also monitor the effects of different land management practices such as the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SuDs and the introduction of Natural Flood Management (NFM).

The Pix Brook currently has a Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification of ‘moderate’ for its ecological condition. Its chemical status is ‘fail’. Too many phosphates, nickel and microplastics called PFOS and PBDE have been found in the river.

 We will install water quality monitoring to understand what chemicals and other substances are in the water. We want to know the sources and pathways of contamination that enter the river and their impact on water quality.

 When we have a better understanding of the sources of pollution we can minimise pollution entering the Pix Brook. We’ll do this by sharing our knowledge with the community so we can all take steps to reduce pollution.  We will create an enhanced environment that people, animals, insects and plants can all enjoy.

Smart catchments are a new way of managing water. Pioneering technology collects, analyses and uses data to improve decision-making. This helps reduce flood risk, improve water quality, and better manage water resources.

A combination of sensors, satellites and weather stations collect data on water quality, rainfall, and river flow. This data identifies potential problems, such as pollution or flooding so action can be taken. If a sensor detects high levels of pollution in a river the system will automatically notify the relevant authorities.

Smart catchments also use data to improve water management by tracking water and identify areas where it is being wasted. This helps develop water conservation plans. There are many benefits to using smart catchments:

  • Reduce flood risk by providing early warning of floods, identifying areas at risk and developing flood mitigation measures.
  • Improve the environment by monitoring water quality, identifying sources of pollution.
  • Increase water storage by monitoring how water can be captured and stored for when the weather is drier.
  • Improve decision-making by providing data and information to make informed decisions about water management.
  • Increase transparency by providing data and information to track the progress of water management projects and programs.
  • Enhance public engagement by providing data and information to raise community awareness about water management.

Access ResilienTogether’s real-time data network here.