Our case studies highlight learning and innovations from ResilienTogether. They share new approaches and techniques that can be replicated by other schemes and organisations across the country. They also demonstrate how practical innovative actions can work to improve resilience to flooding,
ResilienTogether is working to connect the public and stakeholders with the Pix Brook and their local environment.
ResilienTogether is creating a Smart Catchment, through innovative technologies and techniques, to reduce flood risk to people and places, enhance the water environment in the Pix Brook catchment and improve community resilience.
The project is achieving this through a close-knit partnership that collaborate to deliver six inter-related work packages. This innovation case study comes from the Flow Monitoring work package. It aims to build an intelligent telemetry network to improve understanding of flows within the catchment and establish near real-time flow monitoring.
Read more about our non-invasive gauging stations, the benefits and why this innovation is important: Non-invasive Gauging Stations: Innovation Case Study
RDN designed an integrated lightweight, bulletproof gauging station casing with a range of non-invasive high security brackets. This enables a gauge to be retrospectively mounted without drilling and altering the structural integrity of the bridge. Although the gauging station is not drilled in, it has a series of features which offer high security against vandals, protecting the equipment.
This new and innovative design has been implemented in multiple locations across the Pix Brook. It has allowed for time and cost efficient creation of a catchment wide telemetry network.
Non-invasive gauges may also be relocated to achieve evolving objectives and to optimise the network, to better achieve a reliable water level time series that is suitable for long term data analysis.
Through the design and installation process, learning has been gained that may be of interest to organisations seeking to develop their own monitoring networks. This includes level monitoring costs, product specification, collaborating with thirdparties and performance. This innovation has already been adopted by the Environment Agency and Anglian Water where temporary gauge attachments were required for Listed (protected) bridges.
Saving time and money
These non-invasive gauging stations do not alter the structure of the bridge. Therefore, the time taken to gain permission to mount the gauge onto a bridge is reduced, saving the project money and reducing the production and installation time.
Easy to relocate
As the gauge is not drilled into the bridge, it can be easily moved and retrofitted onto existing structures compared to drilled structures. It also allows ResilienTogether to monitor locations which were previously inaccessible.
"An innovative solution inspired by watching the time and cost that others have faced, in attempting to gain permission to affix brackets to third party bridges. The innovation has since been employed by Network Rail and Transport for Wales."
Eur Ing Brian M Back, Founder of Radio Data Networks